
Hotel Management with AK International College

Unleash Your Hospitality Potential

Dive into the fantastic world of hotel management at AK International College of Hotel Management, where your dreams of becoming a hospitality pro become reality.

Scholarships are available for SC, ST, MBC, and many other minority groups

But wait, there’s more All categories of needy students will be provided part time jobs in hotels, from which the amount received can be used to pay college fees and also provide hotel experience. We’re constantly exploring new and exciting course options to expand your horizons and ensure you have the best educational experience possible.

Life at AK International

Ready to elevate your career and make serious cash? Enroll today and let the journey begin!

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2 Years


Coursework Focus

Foundation Skills

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3 Years

Skill Oriented

Dual Vocational

Job Ready

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4 Years

Hospitality Sector

Global Opportunities

Practical Exposure

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The Perks of Hotel Management

Embark on a thrilling adventure of growth by mastering the art of hospitality. Surprise yourself with newfound social skills, dazzle guests, and take pride in creating memorable experiences.

© 2023 AK International College of Hotel Management